The Legend of the So

The Legend of the So

author: The Sand Sage
classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年08月31日

Black Panther flipped through a stack of data on the table: "Besides, the letter we found on Captain's desk before has been proven to be written by Red Skull himself. Of course, Captain knew this, which is why he went alone to settle the score.",Iron Man suddenly chuckled dryly, speaking to himself: "My father participated in the rebirth plan back then, keeping a tube of the most original super serum. I don't know what side effects it has. I've always kept it as a treasured relic from him, dear Guan..." Tony's face instantly darkened, revealing a sinister smile, "For world peace, for enhancing your abilities, I'll have to burden you a little! Thor, hold him tight! I'm going to get started!",Upon arriving at the entrance of a massive cavern, Daniel looked at the young man standing before him. This youth possessed a physique sculpted with evenly developed muscles and an aura of strength that radiated prowess. "Guan Heng," Daniel said, "Your training this past year has been rigorous, and your results are truly remarkable! Now you face the ultimate challenge within Kunlun Town. If you succeed, you will be awarded the highest honor!"。

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