I thought this year's speech would be difficult to handle, but I didn't expect Li Zheng's work to be so impressive. Zhou Yuanli sighed in admiration towards Wen Yanqi, "This is a promising seedling. I originally thought I had to rewrite it, but the material he brought is quite good.",As the meeting drew near, Duan Renwu suddenly noticed the slogans in the courtyard and asked Wen Yanqi if they should put up some in the hall too. Wen Yanqi hurriedly said, "No need, we've already arranged for the Mingdu Hotel to display a congratulatory message on their electronic scrolling screen." Duan Renwu then gave up. 。Once the meeting began, I completely relaxed. At this point, no matter what issue came up, it didn't feel like an issue anymore. 。only a few secretaries still had to take notes, so he instructed Li Zheng to bring a recording pen in case the leaders spoke off-script. 。Fortunately, the governor of Jin province only read from the script. 。No wonder, as soon as it's the end of the year, all the departments and bureaus hold meetings with the provincial governors in charge attending. Even if you have a good spirit, it gets worn down. Where would you find the mind to improvise However, Zhang Xinyue was quite free-flowing and spoke off the cuff for a long time. Li Zheng was busy organizing... 。,Wen Yan said, "Besides preparing materials and sleeping, we spend our days and nights upside down. Where is the happiness Tan Zong, you're teasing me."。