lt;宇宙職業選手gt;Space Pr

lt;宇宙職業選手gt;Space Pr

classification: game
update: 11分鐘前

"Creak" 。The door suddenly flew open, and a thin little boy looked at his parents inside the room and said: "Father" 。The scar-faced man was taken aback, and immediately got up to walk to his son's side. He touched his son's head, his expression a mixture of love and reluctance. 。"Dad, did you leave early this morning" The boy looked at his father. 。We must enter Yang's mansion early this morning and cannot come out again. 。"The scarred man nodded. “We’ll leave first thing tomorrow morning, and Dad might be gone for a very long time.” 。Big boy, Dad's not here, you are the only man in the house, be sure to take good care of your mother and sister. 。","Go to sleep early." 。The man with the scar said 。"Dad","Good" 。The scarred man looked at the child and handed him a book, “What I taught you today, compare it with what’s written in the book. Think about it more.” 。。Remember 。"The scarred man looked at his son, “Practice the Shield-Knife Technique, be careful of your thoughts! Think about why you practice it.” 。"Protect mother, protect sister" 。The boy's eyes were determined. 。Then remember it well. 。“The scarred man said, “Your shield, your sword, were trained for your mother and your sister! Every time you practice, remember it firmly! Only when your thoughts are completely integrated into your shield techniques and sword techniques can you awaken the vast power within you, and only then can you become a master of flowing water. " 。I remembered 。The boy nodded. 。The scar-faced man looked up at his wife who was already walking over. His wife said, "Let's go after breakfast." 。"Ding dong—"。

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